Bachelor of Arts in English Language Studies
It is a three-year degree program with a total of 164 units requirement. The program aims to improve the students’ English Language competencies through a better understanding of the structure and use of the English language with emphasis on the four macro-skills: reading, writing, speaking, listening.
Specifically, students learn the theories, research, acquisition, practices, and application of language in general and English language. The courses include phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and discourse and it also includes business and computer-mediated communications.

Bachelor of Arts in Communication
The program aims to practice students in the different etiquette and skills of communication that applies to the various profession with a focus of media profession. Particularly, students study subjects that relate to communication theories, research, culture, and society, media laws and ethics, planning and management.
It also includes development communication, risk disaster, and humanitarian communication as well as principles and practices in journalism, print, broadcast, advertising, social media, public relations, and marketing; and introduction to theater arts and film, among others.

Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
The program provides a solid foundation on the theories and practices of politics, governance, and law. Specifically, students learn the fundamentals of Political Science, Philippine and Southeast Asian politics, governance and public administration, political theory, comparative politics, international relations, political analysis, and research.

Bachelor of Arts in Behavioral Science
The program relates to business management focusing on human behavior in organizations and human resource management. Students study subjects that relate to theories, research, principles, and practices in behavioral science. It also includes developmental, industrial/organizational social, and counseling psychology; psychological assessment; principles of and practices of management; and organizational development and behavior.

Bachelor of Science in Psychology
The program provides a solid foundation on theories and practices of understanding human behavior and relationship. Specifically, students learn theories of personality; cognitive, physiological experimental, industrial, educational, clinical abnormal, social, and cultural/Filipino psychology; as well as research in psychology, psychological assessment, and group dynamics.

Bachelor of Science in Biology
This is a three-year degree program in the trimester school calendar system. It offers a strong foundation for the advancement and specialization in biotechnology, genomics, molecular biology, and molecular genetics.
The program provides students the opportunity to integrate, interpret, and translate biological phenomena and environmental observations, with the fundamental concepts, principles, and theories of biological, natural, and physical sciences in research.
Graduate Programs
Master of Arts Major in English as a Second Language
This graduate program provides advanced courses and research experiences in listening, reading, and speaking components of the English Language that intend to develop proficiency, competence, and performance of English language users, teachers, trainers, and administrators as well as communication service providers. Specifically, it includes current trends in language teaching, TESOL, supervision and language instruction, language testing and assessment, and structure of English language.
Effective 1st Trimester of AY 2021-2022, the College offers the Academic Track for this master’s degree with a total requirement of 33 units-27 units of coursework and 6 units of Thesis. At least one publication of research works is also a major requirement. Full-time students are expected to finish this program in two (2) years or six (6) terms.
Master of Arts in Political Science
This graduate program provides an in-depth understanding of and research experiences in the theories, concepts, principles, and practices of power and authority which will help political and social science professors, analysts, and administrators have a full grasp of the complexities of the functioning of different polities.
Effective 1st Trimester of AY 2021-2022, the College offers the Academic Track for this master’s degree with a total requirement of 33 units-27 units of coursework and 6 units of Thesis. At least one publication of research works is also a major requirement. Full-time students are expected to finish this program in two (2) years or six (6) terms.
Master in English Language Studies
This graduate program provides English language faculty members, trainers, and administrators advanced studies and research experiences in language and literacy teaching and learning as well as theoretical and methodological frameworks in applied linguistics.
Effective 1st Trimester of AY 2021-2022, the College offers the Academic Track for this master’s degree with a total requirement of 33 units-27 units of coursework and 6 units of Thesis. At least one publication of research works is also a major requirement. Full-time students are expected to finish this program in two (2) years or six (6) terms.
Master of Science in Guidance and Counseling
This graduate program aims to provide guidance counselors, teachers, and administrators an in-depth and advance studies and research experiences in the different counseling theories, approaches, principles, practices, techniques, and standards as well as methodological principles and application of psychological testing and analysis of group behaviors.
Effective 1st Trimester of AY 2021-2022, the College offers the Academic Track for this master’s degree with a total requirement of 35 units-26 units of coursework, 3 units of practicum, and 6 units of Thesis. At least one publication of research works is also a major requirement. Full-time students are expected to finish this program in two (2) years or six (6) terms.
Master of Science in Psychology
This graduate program aims to provide psychometricians, would-be psychologists, faculty members, and administrators an in-depth and advance studies and research experiences in theories of personality, abnormal psychology, psychological assessment as well as in conducting psychological counseling and psychotherapy.
Effective 1st Trimester of AY 2021-2022, the College offers the Academic Track for this master’s degree with a total requirement of 35 units-26 units of coursework, 3 units of practicum, and 6 units of Thesis. At least one publication of research works is also a major requirement. Full-time students are expected to finish this program in two (2) years or six (6) terms.
Doctor of Philosophy in English Language Studies
This graduate program is intended to provide intensive and advanced courses and research experiences in English language education for English language and communication teachers, trainers, service providers, and administrators. It includes advanced subjects in semiotics, language, and technology, testing and assessment, lexicography and orthography, foreign language, among others.
Effective 1st Trimester of AY 2021-2022, the College offers the Academic Track for this doctoral degree with a total requirement of 39 units-27 units of coursework and 12 units of dissertation. Other major requirements include public defense and publication of research works. Full-time students are expected to finish this program in three (3) years or nine (9) terms.